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Bugs Bunny
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

Embedding of a division algebra into a matrix algebra over its centre

6 votes

Dual of a projective module

5 votes

Faithfully flat modules over a group algebra

5 votes

Tensor functor between rigid tensor categories preserves $\text{Hom}$-objects

5 votes

Recovering representation from its character

5 votes

Example of an algebra finite over a commutative subalgebra with infinite dimensional simple modules

5 votes

Equivariance of vector bundles over G/B

5 votes

Geometric (or intuitive) interpretation of additional derivatives in characteristic p > 0

5 votes

Are two sheaves that are locally isomorphic globally isomorphic ?

5 votes

Lie Algebras and Simple Connectivity for general algebraic groups

5 votes

How to define the orientation of a vector space over an arbitrary field?

5 votes

Killing form vs its counterpart in a given represenation

5 votes

Why should the tensor product of $\mathcal{D}_X$-modules over $\mathcal{O}_X$ be a $\mathcal{D}_X$-module?

5 votes

Lifting a probability measure to the power set

5 votes

Gelfand's trick (Gelfand's lemma) in positive characteristic?

5 votes

Hopf structure on the universal enveloping of a super Lie algebra

5 votes

Proving that some principal series representations of SL(2,F) are irreducible

5 votes

adjoint action of a Levi subalgebra

4 votes

Topics for an Undergraduate Expository Paper in Number Theory

4 votes

"Mathematics talk" for five year olds

4 votes

Dimension of preprojective algebra of Dynkin type

4 votes

Existence of universal arrow from manifolds to forgetful functor of Lie groups

4 votes

Existence of tensor product of subalgebras

4 votes

dominant weights

4 votes

Whether such an algebra has to be the Group algebra

4 votes

A reference book for Schur's lemma

4 votes

Deceptively short proof of Regev's $A \otimes B$ theorem

4 votes

Universal enveloping ring–symmetric algebra isomorphism for Lie rings

4 votes

Finite solvable group

4 votes

group action and orbit space

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