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Bugs Bunny's user avatar
Bugs Bunny
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Degrees of a polynomial $p$ such that $x\mapsto p(x)$ is one-to-one

2 votes

free Z-modules: Bases etc.

2 votes

Subrings of rational functions invariant under change of sign

2 votes

What is the relation between vector bundles on a manifold and grassmanians?

2 votes

Careers advice for Ph.D.s without current postdocs or university jobs

2 votes

Vector bundle and inverse image

2 votes

Recovering representation from its character

2 votes

Sub-Hopf algebras of group algebras

2 votes

Is there a Todd-Coxeter algorithm for rings?

2 votes

Quasi-coherent envelope of a module

2 votes

Is the preimage of a Hopf subalgebra a Hopf subalgebra?

2 votes

An algebra map between Hopf algebras that does not commute with the counit

2 votes

Is the Jordan decomposition for reductive groups algebraic?

2 votes

How to add two numbers from a group theoretic perspective?

2 votes

One point compactification of the tangent bundle

2 votes

Category of representations of a tensor product algebra

2 votes

Number of rings with additive group $(\mathbb{Z}_{16})^2$. A341547(16) in OEIS

2 votes

Universal property of induced representation

1 vote

Morphisms of two fully reducible representations of a group

1 vote

Invariant subspaces and isotypic decomposition (reference request)

1 vote

When is a nilpotent Lie algebra isomorphic to the associated graded of its lower central series?

1 vote

Quantum group associated to a reductive group

1 vote

Tensor-indecomposable modules

1 vote

Are all automorphisms of Lin(V) given by similarity transforms?

1 vote

Obstruction for a real algebraic surface to be a complex algebraic curve

1 vote

Finite dual of an algebra morphism.

1 vote

Replacing Spectrum with Valuations of a Field - An Alternative to Schemes?

1 vote

How do Jordan algebras help one understand representations of exceptional Lie algebras?

1 vote

Groups and rings which are not sets

1 vote

Getting the Weyl dimension formula geometrically

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