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Bugs Bunny
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
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4 votes

Is there a canonical Hopf structure on the center of a universal enveloping algebra?

4 votes

Are supervector spaces the representations of a Hopf algebra?

4 votes

Why are polynomials easier to handle with than integers?

4 votes

local Artin algebras

4 votes

Algebraic geometry

4 votes

how to recognize subgroups through Dynkin diagram?

4 votes

An algebra which is a direct sum of simple sub-bimodules over a subalgebra

4 votes

Representations are determined by characters : Groups and Lie algebras

4 votes

Non-cosemisimple duals of pointed Hopf algebras

4 votes

Isometry type of alcoves in affine Coxeter complexes

3 votes

Examples of strict monoidal categories and monoidal categories with nontrivial associators

3 votes

Real representations of SO(n) and U(n)

3 votes

Is a smallness condition necessary in the Tannaka reconstruction theorem?

3 votes

Tannakian fundamental group of automorphic representations

3 votes

Left-right non-bimodule examples

3 votes

When is $\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{F}):\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{A})\to \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{B})$ fully faithful?

3 votes

Dixmier's lemma as a generalisation of Schur's first lemma

3 votes

What's an illustrative example of a tame algebra?

3 votes

The Lie algebra of the subgroup of $GL(n)$ preserving a given variety

3 votes

Semidirect product of metaplectic group and Heisenberg group

3 votes

Irreducibility of product bicomodules

3 votes

Introduction to W-Algebras/Why W-algebras?

3 votes

Elementary reference for algebraic groups

3 votes

Projectivity of free O_X modules with respect to the sheafy hom?

3 votes

When is there a $g$-module isomorphism between a semi-simple Lie algebra $g$ and an exterior power of its standard representation?

3 votes

Sub-representations of the affine group

3 votes

Which is the correct universal enveloping algebra in positive characteristic?

3 votes

What finite group schemes can act freely on a rational function field in one variable?

3 votes

Computing a set of coset representatives for $\mathbb{Z}^n / \Lambda$

3 votes

Kähler structure on cotangent bundle?

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