In 2018, Zidane asked What is the smallest unsolved Diophantine equation? The suggested way to measure size is substitute 2 instead of all variables, absolute values instead of all coefficients, and evaluate. For example, the size $H$ of the equation $y^2-x^3+3=0$ is $H=2^2+2^3+3=15$.
Below we will investigate only the solvability question: does a given equation has any integer solutions or not?
Selected trivial equations. The smallest equation is $0=0$ of size $H=0$. If we ignore equations with no variables, the smallest equation is $x=0$ of size $H=2$, while the smallest equations with no integer solutions are $x^2+1=0$ and $2x+1=0$ of size $H=5$. These equations have no real solutions and no solutions modulo $2$, respectively. The smallest equation which has real solutions and solutions modulo every integer but still no integer solutions is $y(x^2+2)=1$ of size $H=13$.
Well-known equations. The smallest not completely trivial equation is $y^2=x^3-3$ of size $H=15$. But this is an example of Mordell equation $y^2=x^3+k$ which has been solved for all small $k$, and there is a general algorithm which solves it for any $k$. Below we will ignore all equations which belong to a well-known family of effectively solvable equations.
Selected solved equations.
The smallest equation neither completely trivial nor well-known is $ y(x^2-y)=z^2+1$ of size $H=17$. As noted by Victor Ostrik, it has no solutions because all odd prime factors of $z^2+1$ are $1$ modulo $4$.
The smallest equation not solvable by this method is $ x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = xyz - 2 $ of size $H=22$. This has been solved by Will Sawin and Fedor Petrov On Markoff-type diophantine equation by Vieta jumping technique.
The smallest equation that required a new idea was $y(x^3-y)=z^2+2$ of size $H=26$. This one was solved by Will Sawin and Servaes by rewriting it as $(2y - x^3)^2 + (2z)^2 = (x^2-2)(x^4 + 2 x^2 + 4)$, see this comment for details.
Equation $ y^2-xyz+z^2=x^3-5 $ of size $H=29$ has been solved in the arxiv preprint Fruit Diophantine Equation (arXiv:2108.02640) after being popularized in this blog post.
Equation $ x(x^2+y^2+1)=z^3-z+1 $ of size $H=29$ has solution $x=4280795$, $y=4360815$, $z=5427173$, found by Andrew Booker. This is the smallest equation for which the smallest known solution has $\min(|x|,|y|,|z|)>10^6$.
Equation $ 3-y+x^2 y+y^2+x y z-2 z^2 = 0 $ of size $H=33$ has been the smallest open cubic equation for some time, and then has been solved by Denis Shatrov, see here.
Equation $ x^3 + y^3 + z^3 + xyz = 5 $ with $H=37$ has been listed here as the smallest open symmetric equation, but then I found solution $x=-3028982$, $y=-3786648$, $z=3480565$, see the answer for details how it was found.
Smallest open equations. The current smallest open equation is $$ y^2-x^3y+z^3+3=0. $$ This equation has size $H=31$, and is the only remaining open equation of size $H\leq 31$. Also, the only open equations of size $H \leq 32$ are this one and the two-variable ones listed below.
One may also study equations of special type. For example, the current smallest open equations in two variables are $$ y^3+xy+x^4+4=0, $$ $$ y^3+xy+x^4+x+2=0, $$ $$ y^3+y=x^4+x+4 $$ and $$ y^3-y=x^4-2x-2 $$ of size $H=32$. The current smallest open cubic equation is $$ (x+1)y^2-xz^2=x^3+2x+2 $$ of size $H=34$, the current smallest open symmetric equation is $$ x^3+x+y^3+y+z^3+z = x y z + 1 $$ of size $H=39$, while the current smallest open 3-monomial equation is $$ x^3y^2 = z^3 + 6 $$ of size $H=46$.
The shortest open equations. I was told that it would be interesting to order equations by a more "natural" measure of size than $H$. Define the length of a polynomial $P$ consisting of $k$ monomials of degrees $d_1,\dots,d_k$ and integer coefficients $a_1,...,a_k$ as $l(P)=\sum_{i=1}^k\log_2|a_i|+\sum_{i=1}^k d_i$. This is an approximation for the number of symbols used to write down $P$ if we write the coefficients in binary, do not use the power symbol, and do not count the operations symbols. Note that $2^{l(P)}=\prod_{i=1}^k\left(a_i2^{d_i}\right)$ while $H(P)=\sum_{i=1}^k\left(a_i2^{d_i}\right)$. If we order equations by $l$ instead of $H$, then the current "shortest" open equations are $$ y(x^3-y) = z^4+1, $$ $$ 2 y^3 + x y + x^4 + 1 = 0 $$ and $$ x^3 y^2 = z^4+2 $$ of length $l=10$.
For each of the listed equations, the question is whether they have any integer solutions, or at least a finite algorithm that can decide this in principle.
The paper Diophantine equations: a systematic approach devoted to this project is available online: (arXiv:2108.08705). Paper last updated 13.04.2022.
The plan is to list new smallest open equations once these ones are solved. The solved equations will be moved to the "solved" section.