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Reference request for dinatural transformations arising from free Cartesian closed categories

Let $g_n$ be a discrete graph with $n$ nodes and $\operatorname{F}$ the free functor of the adjunction between the category of graphs and the category of Cartesian closed categories and functors, as ...
Johan Thiborg-Ericson's user avatar
3 votes
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Alternative definition of power object in a category

The standard definition of a power object seems to be: objects $\mathcal{P}X, K \in \mathbf{C}$ and a monic $\in: K \hookrightarrow X \times \mathcal{P}X$ such that for every monic $r: A \...
Jordan Mitchell Barrett's user avatar
15 votes
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Propositional logic with categories

I have some vague sense that certain types of categories are related to certain types of logic. I've been meaning to learn more about this, so I thought I'd ask about the simplest case, propositional ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Bicartesian closed categories and Heyting algebras

In Lambek and Scott's "Introduction to higher order categorical logic" (1988), they state that every Heyting Algebra can be understood as a bicartesian closed category. On the other hand, fixing a ...
Matthew Wampler-Doty's user avatar