Questions tagged [combinatorial-designs]

Design theory is the subfield of combinatorics concerning the existence and construction of highly symmetric arrangements. Finite projective planes, latin squares, and Steiner triple systems are examples of designs.

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2 answers

Is there an infinite number of combinatorial designs with $r=\lambda^{2}$

A quick look at Ed Spence's page reveals two such examples: (7,3,3) and (16,6,3). If there is a known classification and/or name by which such designs go, I'd love to know about them too. EDIT: I ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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3 answers

Does there exist a finite hyperbolic geometry in which every line contains at least 3 points, but not every line contains the same number of points?

It seems to me that the answer should be yes, but my naive attempts to come up with an example have failed. Just to clarify, by finite hyperbolic geometry I mean a finite set of points and lines such ...
Louis D's user avatar
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Solving a Diophantine equation related to Algebraic Geometry, Steiner systems and $q$-binomials?

The short version of my question is: 1)For which positive integers $k, n$ is there a solution to the equation $$k(6k+1)=1+q+q^2+\cdots+q^n$$ with $q$ a prime power? 2) For which positive ...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
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Bounding the number of orthogonal Latin squares from above

As is usual, let $N(n)$ denote the maximum size of a set of mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order $n$. I am wondering what results hold that bound $N(n)$ from above; the only ones I can think of ...
Nathaniel Butler's user avatar
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Known result about existence of $n$-vertex $k$-uniform $r$-hypergraphs?

Are there known results about $n,k,r$ such that $n$-vertex $k$-uniform $r$-regular hypergraphs exist? If this is too large a class of hypergraphs, what if $k=\tilde{\theta}(\sqrt{n})$? What if an ...
Connor's user avatar
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k-partite design

Is the following true? For every $n \geq 1, k\geq 2$, there is a set $S \subseteq [n]^k$ of size $|S| = n^2$ such that every two $k$-tuples in $S$ have at most one common entry. Does anyone know if ...
Lior Gishboliner's user avatar
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Balancing out edge multiplicites in a graph

Let $G$ be a multigraph with maximum edge multiplicity $t$ and minimum edge multiplicity $1$ (so that there is at least one 'ordinary' edge). Is there some simple graph $H$ such that the $t$-fold ...
Peter Dukes's user avatar
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Existence of a block design

Let $\ell$ be an integer parameter. I want to ask the existence of the following design: There is a universal constant $\beta < 1$ such that for all sufficiently large $\ell$, the following holds: ...
Xi Wu's user avatar
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Reduction argument from a general vertex set V(G) to a prime power in Prof. Keevash's proof on the Existence of Designs

The proof flow of the paper "On the Existence of Designs" by Prof. Keevash as I understand it is the following: -- Reduction from the general case to $V = \mathbb{F}_{p^a}$ (Lemma 6.3) -- Covering ...
Sankeerth's user avatar
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Number of cyclic difference sets

A subset $D=\{a_1,\ldots,a_k\}$ of $\mathbb{Z}/v\mathbb{Z}$ is said to be a $(v,k,\lambda)$-cycic difference set if for each nonzero $b\in\mathbb{Z}/v\mathbb{Z}$, there are exactly $\lambda$ ordered ...
Binzhou Xia's user avatar
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When do such regular set systems exist?

Let '$n$-set' mean 'a set with $n$ elements'. May we choose $77=\frac16\binom{11}5$ 5-subsets of 11-set $M$ such that any 6-subset $A\subset M$ contains unique chosen subset? Positive answer to ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
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How many elements with a hamming distance of 3 or less?

[This is a complete rewrite which makes some of the comments redundant or irrelevant.] Take a set of $50$ elements. How many subsets of size $5$ are needed so that every subset of size $5$ will ...
chous's user avatar
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Cycling through a general combinatorial design on $\omega$

This is a generalisation of an older question inspired by a football tournament (which does not have an answer yet). Let $\frak P$ be a partition of $\omega$ into blocks, that is, pairwise disjoint ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Ranks of higher incidence matrices of designs

In 1978 Doyen, Hubaut and Vandensavel proved that if $S$ is a Steiner triple system $S(2,3,v)$ then the $GF(2)$ rank of its incidence matrix $N$ is $$ Rk_{2}(N)=v-(d_{p}+1), $$ where $d_{p}$ is the ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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3 answers

Orthogonal Latin Square 6*6

I need to make remarks about Tarry's Proof for the nonexistence of 6x6 Latin Squares as part of my final exam for a class I'm in. Problem is, I can't find it ANYWHERE on the internet. I can only find ...
user32970's user avatar
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On the half-skew-centrosymmetric Hadamard matrices

Definition 1: A Hadamard matrix is an $n\times n$ matrix $H$ whose entries are either $1$ or $-1$ and whose rows are mutually orthogonal. Definition 2: A matrix $A$ is half-skew-centrosymmetric if ...
user369335's user avatar
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Mutually orthogonal Latin hypercubes

A $d$-dimensional Latin hypercube with side length $n$ is a $d$-dimensional array with $n$ symbols such that along any line parallel to an axis, each symbol appears exactly once. Let us call a $(n,d)$ ...
BPP's user avatar
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For which sets of $(n, m, k)$ does there exist an edge-labelling (using $k$ labels) on $K_n$, such that every single-labelled subgraph is $K_m$?

Or, equivalently - for what sets of $(n, m, k)$ is it possible, for a group* of $n$ people, to arrange $k$ days of "meetings", such that every day the group is split into subgroups of $m$ people, and ...
scubbo's user avatar
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Residual design (BIBD) with repeated blocks

Simple BIBD are defined as those designs in which incindence relation is "is element". So effectively blocks are subsets of points. Equivalently there should be no "repeating blocks" ie. blocks that ...
Mate's user avatar
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On the existence of a certain graph/hypergraph pair

Let $V$ be a finite set, $G$ a simple graph with vertex set $V$, and $H$ a hypergraph (i.e., set of subsets) with vertex set $V$ satisfying the following three conditions: each pair of elements of $V$...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Lower bounding the maximum size of sets in a set family with union promise

The following problem has come up while working on the relationship between certificate and randomized decision tree complexities of boolean functions. However, I think it is of interest by itself and ...
Artem Kaznatcheev's user avatar
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Existence of finite 3-dimensional hyperbolic balanced geometry

Together with @TarasBanakh we faced the problem described in the title. Let me start with definitions. A linear space is a pair $(S,\mathcal L)$ consisting of a set $S$ and a family $\mathcal L$ of ...
Ihromant's user avatar
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Cliques in Incomplete block designs

I'm interested in inequalities that guarantee the presence of cliques in incomplete block designs. Here's the set-up: I have an incidence structure $(V, B)$ which is an incomplete block design: $V$ is ...
Nick Gill's user avatar
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Linear combinations of special matrices

I am a hobby computer scientist and I have a problem to which I am searching an efficient algorithm. Given an integer n, we want to combine some square input-matrices of size n in a way that is ...
BenBar's user avatar
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Graeco-Latin squares and outer-automorphisms

It is well known that $n=6$ is the only number greater than two in which there is no Graeco-Latin square of order $n$. It is also well known that $n=6$ is the only number greater than two in which ...
Craig Feinstein's user avatar
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what is the largest real orthogonal design in $n$ variables?

A real orthogonal design in $n$ variables is an $m \times n$ matrix with entries from the set $\pm x_1,\pm x_2,\cdots,\pm x_n$ that satisfies : $$ A A^T = (x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \cdots x_n^2) I_m $$ ...
unknown's user avatar
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A question on the behavior of intersections of certain block design

Let $[d]$ be a universe and $S_1, \dots, S_m$ be an $(\ell, a)$-design over $[d]$ which means that: $\forall i \in [m], S_i \subseteq [d], |S_i|=\ell$. $\forall i \neq j \in [m]$, $|S_i \cap S_j| \...
Xi Wu's user avatar
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3 answers

Constructions of $2-(v,3,3)$-designs

I am looking for ways to construct an infinite family of designs with parameters $2-(v,3,3)$ and apart from some doubling-type recursive constructions (such as in this paper) I haven't found anything ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Resolvable designs from projective space

Resolvable designs are block designs with the additional property that the blocks can be partitioned into partitions of the points. It is easy to see that lines in affine space form a resolvable ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
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Minimally intersecting subsets of fixed size

The question I have, is how to generate the following collection of subsets: Given a set $S$ of size $n$. I want to find a sequence of $k$ subsets of fixed size $m$, $0<m<n$, such that at each ...
Jim's user avatar
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A graphic representation of classical unitals on 28 points

I would like to understand the geometry of the classical unitals. They are block designs containing $q^3+1$ points and whose blocks have cardinality $q+1$, where $q$ is a prime power. For $q=2$ (if I ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Constructing Group Divisible Designs - Algorithms?

I am starting my research on group divisible designs this year and I wonder if there are any algorithms/software that help with constructions. Thank you
Jake's user avatar
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Relative difference sets?

Do you know how to find order of known groups with RDS or without? Or Known groups which have RDS or not? If there is a references to survey all researches?
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Minimal number of blocks in a $(n,n/2,\lambda)$ block design

A $(n,n/2,\lambda)$ block-design is a family $A_1,...,A_K$ of subsets of $[n]$ such that $|A_i|=n/2$ and for every $1 \leq i < j \leq n$ it holds that $\#\{1 \leq k \leq K : i,j \in A_k \} = \...
Lior's user avatar
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1 answer

Hitting sets (aka covers aka transversals) of Steiner triple systems

Does there exist a constant $c$ so that the lines of every Steiner triple system on $v$ points can be covered by $cv$ points? That is if $D \in STS(v)$ with point set $T=\{1,2,\ldots,v\}$ then ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Distinguishing points by sets of given size

The problem is: Given a finite set $X$ with size $x$ and let $B$ denote a family of $k$-element subsets of $X$, called blocks. What is the smallest possible number $n$ of blocks such that every ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Lower bounds on cardinality of a union of blocks in a design

Let $D$ be a $(v,k,\lambda)$-design (repeated blocks are allowed). I would like to get a lower bound on the cardinality of the union of $s$ blocks. A naive application of inclusion-exclusion gives $sk-...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Has this kind of design been studied before?

Consider a design $(X,\mathcal{B})$, satisfying: Each block in $\mathcal{B}$ has the same size The intersection of every two blocks has the same size Of course, it is easy to find many examples of ...
smart cat's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the correct term for "co-covering" designs

An (n, k, l) covering design is a family of k-subsets of an n-element set such that every l-subset is contained in at least one of them. Now, what is the correct term for a family of k-subsets such ...
Bogdan Chornomaz's user avatar
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Existence of Steiner system designs given $n,k,t$

I am familiar with the recent Keevash paper here which proves that given some $t,n,k,\lambda$ then provided standard divisibility conditions hold, and $n$ is suitably large, there exists a $t-(n,k,\...
Baron Crinkle's user avatar
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Popular elements in cross-intersecting families

Let $\mathcal{T}$ and $\mathcal{S}$ be two families of subsets of $[n]$ such that for all $T_i\in \mathcal{T}$ and $S_j\in \mathcal{S}$, $|T_i \cap S_j| \neq\emptyset$ $|T_i| , |S_j| \leq t = O(\log(...
LYT's user avatar
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Packings with block size equal to $6$?

In design theory the following is the defintion of a packing : Definition : A $(v,k)$-packing is a pair $(V, \mathcal{B})$ of a finite set $V$ of cardinality $\vert V \vert = v$ and a finite set $\...
Elaqqad's user avatar
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A generalization of PBIBDs

A PBIBD is an incidence structure together with an underlying symmetric association scheme. One can relax the symmetry requirement, and ask for incidence structures with an underlying (not necessarily ...
DKal's user avatar
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Non-uniform Ray-Chaudhuri-Wilson (generalized Fisher's inequality)

A $t$-design on $v$ points with block size and index $\lambda$ is a collection $\mathcal{B}$ of subsets of a set $V$ with $v$ elements satisfying the following properties: (a) every $B\in\mathcal{B}$ ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Point sets with tangents through every point

Let $D=(P,L)$ be either a $(v,k,\lambda)$-design or a near-linear space (or, more generally, any incidence structure with "points" and sets of points which are called "blocks" or "lines") and let $S \...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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5 answers

Pairwise balanced designs with $r=\lambda^{2}$

A while ago I asked how to construct an infinite family of $(v,b,r,k,\lambda)$-designs satisfying $r=\lambda^{2}$ and got very good answers from Yuichiro Fujiwara and Ken W. Smith. Now I'd like to up ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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2 answers

Reference Request: "Resolutions" of $K_n$ for $n$ odd

A resolution (in the combinatorial design sense) of $K_{n}$ is a collection of sets of edges of $K_{n}$ so that within each set of edges, each vertex appears once, and over the entire collection, each ...
coolpapa's user avatar
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The Symmetry of Steiner System S(5,8,24)

The group of automorphisms of S(5,8,24), M_{24}, is 5-transitive. Other than Symmetric groups are there any other 5-transitive groups? If not, would it be correct to say S(5,8,24) is the most ...
Q'_'Q's user avatar
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On the existence of symmetric matrices with prescribed number of 1's on each row

We are considering the following problem: Given an integer $n$ and a sequence of integers $r_i,\ 1\le i\le n$, with $0\le r_i\le n-1$ does there exists a symmetric matrix $A$ such that the diagonal ...
Jeremiah's user avatar
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3-partition of a special set

$S_5$ is a set consisting of the following 5-length sequences $s$: (1) each digit of $s$ is $a$, $b$, or $c$; (2) $s$ has and only has one digit that is $c$. $T_5$ is a set consisting of the following ...
4869's user avatar
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