I expect the fugitive will be captured, but only after over $10^{200}$ (not sure about $10^{300}$) units of time.
As noted in my answer in the linked question, the fugitive will be captured for a random distribution of pursuers. However, we cannot just rely on the density of the pursuers: For some distributions of pursuers with at least one in each unit square, the fugitive can escape using a sinusoidal path.
What happens is that the distance between pursuers never increases. If the evader (i.e. fugitive) is far enough from a given pursuer $P$, the relative displacement of pursuers near $P$ is approximately linear, and the only way the evader can approach $P$ is to make the determinant (of the above linear transformation) very small, with a strong contraction in all but possibly one direction. Each time the evader gets twice as close to a faraway pursuer, the pursuer density increases in $1+Ω(v)$ times where $v$ is the pursuer speed ($Ω$ is per Big O Notation). Note that this permits $e^{Ω(v)}$ evasion time; for the above, $10^{200}<10^{300}<2500^{100}$, with $100=v^{-1}≈v^{-1}+1$ (this ignores the penalty for evasion maneuvers), and 2500 = 502 is the approximate pursuer density increase (depends on the pursuer configurations) to end the continuous gaps between pursuers.
However, large scale pursuer density increase does not suffice for capture if there are special local patterns of pursuers. Randomness rules out such patterns, while having pursuers at the integral coordinates allows some patterns, but apparently not enough to escape. For a lattice of pursuers, a faraway given area of pursuers will be impenetrable, expect possibly for one-dimensional movement (compared to fully impenetrable for random pursuer start). Now, for a straight line approach, the permitted movement direction is approximately perpendicular to the direction of approach, and so once you are confined long enough to one-dimensional movement, the pursuers should close in.
This should also apply to pursuer lattices in $k$ dimensions. After sufficient time, approaching an area confines fugitive movement to essentially a $k-1$ dimensional hyperplane (though one has to bound the nonlinearities). In turn, approaching a more local area after moving in the hyperplane should restrict movement to at most $k-2$ dimensions, and so on.
Moreover, if time $T$ is large enough, at some (large enough) scale $S$, the time-space movement up to $T$ will be close to linear (specifically, $E( |2p(t+S)-p(t)-p(t+2S)|) < εS$ where $E$ is expectation (i.e. average across time) and $p$ is position given time) since the speed is bounded and deviations from linearity cause inefficiency/slowdown that adds up across scales. And as noted above, with pursuers initially at the integral coordinates, linear movement will create an impenetrable wall requiring a turn (and thus large-scale nonlinearity), except possibly if we visited that area of pursuers before (which should not work for escape either).