Let $I$ be a finite set, and $A_{ij},B_{ij},x_i,y_j\ge0$. I want to find the choice of $x_i,y_j$ maximizing $$\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j\in J}A_{ij}\min\left(x_i,B_{ij}y_j\right)\tag1$$ subject to $$\sum_{i\in I}x_i=\sum_{j\in I}y_j=1\tag2.$$ As discussed on Mathematics, the feasible region is divided into polygons such that the objective function is linear on each interval. With this approach we end with a finite number of candidate points (the vertices) we need to compute the maximum of.
However, I need to find a closed form expression for $x_i,y_j$. Are we able to achieve this? If not, are we at least able to find a (sharp) lower bound for $(1)$ for which it is easier to obtain a closed form maximizer?