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Is the mirror of a hyperkaehler manifold always a hyperkaehler manifold?

Is the mirror of a hyperkaehler manifold always a hyperkaehler manifold? What I know so far is as follows: In this paper ( by Verbitsky, it is claimed that ...
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Seeking concrete examples of "generic" elliptic fibrations of K3 surfaces

For me a K3 surface will be a smooth complex projective variety of dimension 2 that is simply-connected and has trivial canonical bundle. Given a K3 surface $X$, an elliptic fibration $\pi \colon X \...
John Baez's user avatar
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Do non-projective K3 surfaces have rational curves?

Define a compact Kähler surface $X$ to be a K3 surface if $X$ is simply connected, $K_X \simeq \mathcal{O}_X$, and $h^{0,1}=0$. If $X$ is projective, then a theorem typically attributed to Bogomolov ...
AmorFati's user avatar
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automorphism group of K3 surfaces

It is known that smooth complex hypersurfaces with degree bigger than 2 and dimension bigger than 1 have finite automorphism groups, except for K3 surfaces. But the group of polarised automorphisms ...
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Loci in the moduli space of K3 surfaces associated to lattices

The moduli space of K3 surfaces forms a 20-dimensional family with countably many 19-dimensional components $M_d$ corresponding to the polarized K3s $(X,L)$ with $L^2=d$. The moduli space $M_d$ has a ...
gsvr's user avatar
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Find an explicit quasi-smooth embedding $X_{38} \subset \mathbb P(5, 6, 8, 19)$

This question is not quite about research-level mathematics, so I apologize for bringing it here. I asked it in Math.SE first, but I got no answers, and only a suggestion to ask it here. Consider the ...
isekaijin's user avatar
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Semistable minimal model of a $K3$-surface and the special fibre

Suppose that $K$ is a $p$-adic field, that is a field of characteristic $0$ whose ring of integers is a complete discrete valuation ring $\mathcal O_K$ and with residue field $k$ (algebraic closed) of ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
5 votes
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K3 surface of genus 8

Let $V$ be a complex vector space of dimension 6 and let $G\subset {\mathbb P}^{14}\simeq {\mathbb P}(\Lambda^2V)$ be the image of the Plucker embedding of the Grassmannian $Gr(2, V)$. Why the degree ...
Guangbo Xu's user avatar
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Is the automorphism group of a Calabi-Yau variety an arithmetic group

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over the complex numbers with trivial canonical bundle. Suppose that $X$ is Calabi-Yau. Is the automorphism group of $X$ an arithmetic group? What if $X$ is a ...
Christian's user avatar
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Existence of logarithmic structures and d-semistability

I am reading a paper ( Kawamata, Y.; Namikawa, Y. Logarithmic deformations of normal crossing varieties and smoothing of degenerate Calabi-Yau varieties. Invent. math. 1994, 118, 395–409.) I have a ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
3 votes
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(1/2) K3 surface or half-K3 surface: Ways to think about it?

I heard from string theorists thinking of the so-called "(1/2) K3 surface" or "half-K3 surface" as follows: Let $T^2 \times S^1$ be a 3-torus with spin structure periodic in all directions. $T^2 \...
wonderich's user avatar
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Euler characteristic of nodal K3 surfaces (as in singular)

This is probably easy, but I was just wondering if there is a nice and easy formula for the topological Euler characteristic of a K3 surface $X$ with say $k$ nodes. If there is no general formula, is ...
HNuer's user avatar
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Irrationality of some threefolds

Consider a smooth projective threefold $\overline W$, constructed in section 4 of this paper. This threefold is a resolution of singularities of the quotient of a product of a K3 surface and $\mathbb ...
Basics's user avatar
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Common gerbes over two K3 surfaces

Let $X$ and $Y$ be K3 surfaces over the complex numbers. Under what assumptions, do there exist a finite group $G_X$ a finite group $G_Y$ a $G_X$-gerbe $\mathcal{X}\to X$ (for the fppf topology) a $...
Neeroen123's user avatar
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Is there a hyperkaehler manifold whose mirror is the total space of a tangent/cotangent bundle?

I am looking for an example of a hyperkaehler manifold $Y$ whose mirror is the total space of a tangent bundle $TX$ or a cotangent bundle $T^*X$, where $X$ can be any Riemannian manifold. Is such a ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Is the mirror of a noncompact hyperkaehler manifold also hyperkaehler?

This is essentially a follow-up question from 'Is the mirror of a hyperkaehler manifold always a hyperkaehler manifold?'. Verbitsky's theorem in ( says that ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Open Period Integrals of Elliptically Fibered K3 surfaces

Let M be the period domain for elliptic K3 surfaces $(X,\Omega)$ with a holomorphic two-form. Denote the fiber class $f$. Then $$M=\{\Omega\in f^\perp\otimes \mathbb{C}\,:\, \Omega\cdot \Omega=0, \,\...
Philip Engel's user avatar
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Picard group of a K3 surface generated by a curve

In Lazarsfeld's article "Brill Noether Petri without degenerations" he mentions the fact that for any integer $g \geq 2$, one may find a K3 surface $X$ and a curve $C$ of genus $g$ on $X$ such that ...
Youloush's user avatar
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Isotrivial K3 family and Picard number

Is it true that any family of K3 surfaces over $\mathbb{C}$ whose Picard number is constant is isotrivial? Here isotrivial means locally analytically trivial. Speculation: Let $\mathcal{M}$ be the ...
Pooya's user avatar
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One-dimensional family of complex algebraic K3 surfaces

Let $X$ be an algebraic complex K3 surface, we know that $X$ is deformation equivalent to a smooth quartic surface or more generally a K3 surface with Picard number $1$ (a very general K3 surface in ...
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Infinitely many rational nt multisection in elliptic K3 surfaces by deformation theory

I'm trying to read this paper of Bogomolov and Tschinkel about potential density of rational points on elliptic K3 Surfaces. I got quite stuck in Corollary 3.27 ...
Angelo's user avatar
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complex K3 surfaces with automorphisms of given orders

Concerning complex K3 surfaces, there are various methods to show the non-existence of an automorphism of certain orders. The usually way is to investigate the action of the automorphism on the space $...
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