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Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds.

61 votes
2 answers

Thomason's "open letter" to the mathematical community

In 1989, Bob Thomason left his CNRS position in Orsay and moved to Paris VII. It was during this period that he composed his "Open Letter" to the mathematical community. The letter explained Thomason' …
John Klein's user avatar
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34 votes

Can anyone explain to me what is an assembly map?

If you are given a homotopy functor $L$ from spaces to spectra, the assembly map is a natural map of spectra $$ H_\bullet(X;L) \to L(X) , $$ where the domain is a homology theory. This homology theory …
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28 votes
0 answers

On the (derived) dual to the James construction.

Background If $X$ is a based space then the James construction on $X$ is the space $J(X)$ given by $$ X \quad \cup \quad X^{\times 2} \quad \cup \quad X^{\times 3} \quad \cup \quad \cdots $$ in …
26 votes

Groupoid actions on spaces

Perhaps the most natural example is given by universal covers? Let $X$ be a "nice" space. For a point $x\in X$ let $\tilde X_x$ be the universal covering of $X$ taken at $x$ (the fiber at $y \in X$ …
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22 votes

A map inducing isomorphisms on homology but not on homotopy

How about a knot complement? It's known that the inclusion of a meridian $S^1$ (a small circle which links the knot exactly once) into the knot complement $S^3 \setminus S^1$ is a homology isomorphis …
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19 votes

Is any CW complex with only finitely many nonzero homology groups homotopic to a finite dime...

In the simply connected case, the answer is yes. In the general case, the theory was worked out in complete detail by Wall in the paper: Wall, C. T. C. Finiteness conditions for CW-complexes. Ann. of …
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19 votes

Fibrations and Cofibrations of spectra are "the same"

The following might help answer the last part of your post: In the late 1960s, Tudor Ganea developed technology that studies the difference between the homotopy fibers and cofibers of a map. For exam …
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18 votes

What is the intuition behind the Freudenthal suspension theorem?

The Freudenthal theorem is really a special case of the phenomenon called "homotopy excision" aka the Blakers-Massey triad theorem. The idea is that one has an inclusion $$ (C_-X,X) \to (\Sigma X,C_+X …
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18 votes

Realizing cohomology classes by submanifolds

Your question is just a reformulation of what Thom did, so the answer is always yes. Since the Stokes map from de~Rham cohomology to singular cohomology (with real coefficients) is an isomorphism, yo …
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18 votes

Lambda-operations on stable homotopy groups of spheres

The operation which sends a finite set $S$ to its set of $k$-element subsets, $\binom{S}{k}$, gives rise to the $k$-th stable Hopf invariant. There is additional structure in this: the set $\binom{S}{ …
John Klein's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Local homology of a space of unitary matrices

Let $U(n)$ denote the unitary group (this is a manifold of dimension $n^2$). Let $$ {\cal D} \subset U(n) $$ denote the subspace of those matrices having a non-trivial $(+1)$-eigenspace. Backgroun …
John Klein's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Geometric interpretation of the Pontryagin square

The Pontryagin square (at the prime 2) is a certain cohomology operation $$ \mathfrak P_2: H^q(X;\Bbb Z_2) \to H^{2q}(X;\Bbb Z_4) $$ which has the property that its reduction mod 2 coincides with $x\m …
John Klein's user avatar
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17 votes

The classifying space of a gauge group

Proof of (1): (a). Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are $G$-spaces, the action of $G$ on $X$ is free, and $X\to X/G$ is a principal bundle, then the space of $G$-equivariant maps $$ F(X,Y)^G $$ is the same th …
John Klein's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Transversality in the proof of the Blakers-Massey Theorem. Is it necessary?

Assume one is given a commutative square of spaces $A \quad \to \quad C$ $ \downarrow \qquad \qquad \downarrow$ $B\quad \to \quad X$ which is a pushout and in which each map is a cofibratio …
John Klein's user avatar
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16 votes

Choice of base point in a Waldhausen category

Although it might seem surprising to some readers, Waldhausen was not going for abstraction merely for the sake of itself in making his definitions: he had concrete applications in mind (most importan …
John Klein's user avatar
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16 votes

What does actually being a CW-complex provide in algebraic topology?

One should not forget that certain invariants, such as Whitehead torsion, are defined using a choice of CW structure.
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16 votes

Is an A-infinity thing the same the same as strict thing viewed through a homotopy equivalence?

The answer to your question about the loop space is a conditional "yes." The conditions are: i) X should have the homotopy type of a CW complex, and ii) When we say topological group, we mean with …
John Klein's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

On the wikipedia entry for Borel-Moore homology

The wikipedia page on Borel-Moore homology claims to give several definitions of it, all of which are supposed to coincide for those spaces $X$ which are homotopy equivalent to a finite CW complex and …
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16 votes
1 answer

Whitehead products and Framed Manifolds

The attaching map for the top cell of the torus $S^n \times S^n$ is a map $$ [x,y]: S^{2n-1} \to S^n \vee S^n $$ where the notation is such that $x,y : S^n \to S^n \vee S^n$ are the two inclusions––– …
John Klein's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Multiplicativity of the Euler characteristic for fibrations

For a Serre fibration $$ F\to E \to B , $$ with $F,E,B$ having the homotopy type of finite complexes, it is known that the Euler characteristic is multiplicative: $$ \chi(E) = \chi(F)\chi(B) . $$ Howe …
John Klein's user avatar
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15 votes

Computational complexity of computing homotopy groups of spheres

Here's a very useless algorithm due to Kan: Let $G(S^n)$ be the simplicial group that is Kan loop group of the $n$-sphere. In each simplicial degree, it is a free group. (This simplicial group has the …
John Klein's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

"Strøm-type" model structure on chain complexes?

Background The Quillen model structure on spaces has weak equivalences given by the weak homotopy equivalences and the fibrations are the Serre fibrations. The cofibrations are characterized by t …
John Klein's user avatar
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14 votes

How to prove the connected sum of two closed aspherical n-manfolds (n >2) is not asperical?

Here's a different way to see it. Let $M$ and $N$ be aspherical of dimension at least 3. Then the wedge $M \vee N$ is aspherical (but not a manifold). Let $M\sharp N$ be the connected sum. Then we get …
John Klein's user avatar
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14 votes

Unstable manifolds of a Morse function give a CW complex

(1). Some experts tell me that Laudenbach's paper is incomplete and contains gaps. I will retract this for now. I do recall being told this, but I am not aware at this point in time where the gaps …
John Klein's user avatar
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14 votes

Characteristic classes for block bundles

I don't know where the results are written down in one place (perhaps in the book of Madsen and Milgram?), but see the the end of this post for a list of references. In any case, here is a proof of …
John Klein's user avatar
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13 votes

Reverse map of a homology equivalence.

As I was writing this answer, Oscar beat me to the punch. I will keep it posted anyway. Let $X^3$ be the Poincare homology sphere. Let $\tilde X \to X$ be the universal cover (note: $\tilde X$ is $S^ …
John Klein's user avatar
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13 votes

do spectra have diagonal maps?

The existence of an $E_\infty$-diagonal is an obstruction for equipping a spectrum $E$ with the structure of a suspension spectrum. Conversely, in Klein, J.R.: Moduli of suspension spectra. Trans. A …
John Klein's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

"Burnside ring" of the natural numbers and algebraic K-theory

The construction of the Burnside ring $A(G)$ of a group $G$ (usually, but not always, finite) is given by taking the Grothendieck group of the commutative semi-ring of isomorphism classes of finite $G …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

A variant of $\ell^2$-cochains

Suppose $X$ is an infinite countable CW complex which satisfies the following property: for all $k$-cells $e$, the number of $(k+1)$-cells incident to $e$ is at most $c_k$, where the latter is some n …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes

Definition of Pontrjagin Classes

The odd Chern classes of the complexified bundle are of order 2 and are determined by the Stiefel-Whitney classes of the original real bundle $\xi$ by the formula $$ c_{2k+1}(\xi\otimes \Bbb C) = \bet …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes

Is the J homomorphism compatible with the EHP sequence?

Added 9/7/16: I just got access to the paper: James, I. M. On the iterated suspension. Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser. (2) 5, (1954). 1–10 which is an explicit reference to Greg's questions on the leve …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes

The space of framed functions

Eliashberg once told me that the framed function theorem should be a consequence of his work on wrinkled maps. Igusa and I gave a fairly direct proof that the space of framed functions on the circle …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes

"C choose k" where C is topological space

I presume you are asking is whether one can make sense of $\binom{X}{k}$ as a space in such a way that it relates to the formula you are asking about. The answer is yes. First let $l = 1$. For a sp …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Equivariant homotopy theory: some history questions

I have sometimes wondered about the following: (1) Who was the first articulate that in dealing with $G$-equivariant cohomology theories ($G$ a finite group or a compact Lie group), it is best to wor …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes
0 answers

Hilton-Eckmann dual of the Steenrod Algebra

In essence my question can be stated as follows: fill in the analogy $$ \text{cup product} \qquad\qquad \leftrightarrow \qquad \text{Samelson product} $$ $$ \updownarrow \qquad\qquad \qq …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

On the stable splitting of loops on a suspension

Let $X$ be a connected, based CW complex. Then the James splitting of $\Sigma\Omega\Sigma X$ gives, in particular, a weak equivalence of spectra $$ \Sigma^{\infty} \Omega\Sigma X_+ \quad \simeq \quad …
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12 votes
1 answer

Rational homotopy invariance of algebraic $K$-theory

Suppose that $R\to S$ is a 1-connected morphism of connective structured ring spectra that induces an isomorphism on rational homotopy groups. Is the induced map of (Waldhausen) K-theory spectra $$ K( …
John Klein's user avatar
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12 votes

Why should I prefer bundles to (surjective) submersions?

You write: So, I'm wondering for some applications where I really need to use a bundle --- where some important fact is not true for general submersions (or, surjective submersions with connected fi …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes

Homotopy classification of selfmaps of product of spheres?

No chance. For example, take the self maps of $S^3 \times S^3$. Then based maps gives $$ \text{maps}_\ast(S^3\times S^3,S^3 \times S^3) = \text{maps}_\ast(S^3\times S^3,S^3) \times \text{maps}_\ast(S …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes

Does the Borel functor take equivariant fibrations to fibrations?

I believe what you are asking is true whenever $X\to B$, considered as an unequivariant map, is a Serre fibration. First some definitions: Call a map of $G$-spaces $E \to B$ a $G$-Serre fibration …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes

topological type of smooth manifolds with prescribed homotopy type and pontryagin class

In the $1$-connected case, one may argue as follows: Let $X$ be a closed $1$-connected smooth $n$-manifold, $n \ge 5$. The theory of the Spivak fibration shows that any homotopy equivalence $f: M^n …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes

Intuition behind Alexander duality

Yet another way to get it. Alexander duality is closely related to Poincare duality: suppose we can write $$ S^n = K \cup_A C $$ where $K$ and $C$ are codimension zero compact manifolds with common bo …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

co-$A_\infty$ spaces

A co-$A_n$ space is a based space $Y$ equipped with a co-action by the Stasheff associahedron operad $K_\bullet$. This means that $Y$ is comes with certain maps $c_n: Y \times K_n \to Y^{\vee n}$, $n …
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11 votes

Linking topological spheres

Let $C = S^3 \setminus A$. Alexander duality says that $$ H_1(C) \cong H^1(A) \cong \Bbb Z\, . $$ Let $\alpha: S^1 \to C$ be any map representing a generator of $H_1(C)$ (every first homology class …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Reference request: Goodwillie tower of the identity

The Taylor (Goodwillie) tower of the identity functor on based spaces has as its $j$-th layer the infinite loop space-valued functor $$ X\mapsto \Omega^\infty (W_j \wedge_{h\Sigma_j} X^{[j]}) $$ in wh …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes

Connectivity of suspension-loop adjunction

If the spectrum $X$ is $r$-connected, then the map $\Sigma^\infty\Omega^\infty X \to X$ is $(2r+2)$-connected. Here's a sketch: apply the functor $\Omega^\infty$ to get the map of spaces $$ Q(\Omega^ …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes

Natural transformations as categorical homotopies

Concerning Have anyone ever introduced natural transformation in this "homotopical" way rather then the classical one in any reference like a textbook or some lecture notes? Yes, Quillen introdu …
John Klein's user avatar
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11 votes

Occurrences of (co)homology in other disciplines and/or nature

A classical and elegant application is to the solution of Kirchhoff's theorem on electrical cricuits. See: Nerode, A.; Shank, H.: An algebraic proof of Kirchhoff's network theorem. Amer. Math. Month …
10 votes

Algebraic K-theory of odd-dimensional spheres

Let $\tilde A(X)$ be the reduced functor, i.e., the homotopy fiber of the map $A(X) \to A(\ast)$. Since $A(*)$ is rationally a product of $K(Q,4j+1)$ for $j \ge 1$, we may as well study $\tilde A(X)$ …
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10 votes
1 answer

Acyclic aspherical spaces with acyclic fundamental groups

A space $X$ (by which I mean a CW complex) is acyclic if its reduced singular homology $\tilde H_\ast(X;\Bbb Z)$ is trivial in all degrees. A discrete group $\pi$ is said to be acyclic if its classi …
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