It is relatively easy to prove that the set of perfect squares has asymptotic density equal to $0$. Then either the set $Q_2 := \{x^2+y^2: x,y \in \mathbf N\}$ has positive lower asymptotic density, and we're done, or the lower density of $Q_2$ is zero, and then we just consider that $\mathbf N = Q_2 + Q_2$ (by Lagrange's four-squares theorem).
By the way, it follows, e.g., from E. Landau, Über die Einteilung der positiven ganzen Zahlen in vier Klassen nach der Mindeszahl der zu ihrer additiven Zusammensetzung erforderlichen Quadrate, Arch. Math. Phys. 13 (1908), 305-312 that the asymptotic density of $Q_2$ is actually zero, but this is more than what you need to answer the question in the OP.