I am reading a book of Arthur's book "Introduction to the trace formula".
In page 24, Arthur defined height function $H_P:G(\mathbb{A}) \to \mathcal{a}_P$ by setting $H_p(nmk)=H_{M_p}(m)$ where $n\in N(\mathbb{A}), m\in M(\mathbb{A}), k\in K$. (here, $P$ is a standard subgroup of $G$ and $NMK$ is the Iwasawa decomposition of $G$, $a_P$ is Lie algebra of $P$.)
If $P_1 \subset P$ is a standard subgroup of $G$, I am wondering whether $p \circ H_{P_1}(x)=H_P(x)$ where $p:a_{P_1} \to a_P$ is the projection map.
It seems true because Arthur used it implicitly in many parts. But I cannot prove it.
Does it really true? If so, how to prove it?
I am sorry for not explaining all the notation on my question. It is too long!
Any comments will be great helpful!