Let $\mathbb P_n$ be the space of all $n \times n$ self-adjoint positive definite matrices. Consider the function $\varphi: \mathbb P_n \longrightarrow \mathbb R$ defined by $$\varphi (A) = -\text {tr}\ (A \log A).$$ Show that for all $t \in (0,1)$ $$\varphi ((1 - t) A + t B) \leq (1 - t) \varphi (A) + t \varphi (B) - \eta (t,1-t)$$ where $\eta (t,1 - t) = t \log (t) + (1 - t) \log (1 - t).$
I know that $\varphi$ is operator concave. But I don't have any idea as to how to bound $\varphi$ from above. Could anyone please give me some hint?
Thanks a bunch!