Start with a natural number $k$, and choose natural numbers $K=\{n_1,\ldots,n_k\}$ which are pairwise distinct. For each $1\leq j\leq k$, choose another integer $i_j$ such that $0\leq i_j\leq n_j$.
Question : What is the minimum size of the set $A=\{i_1,n_1-i_1, i_2,n_2-i_2,\ldots, i_k,n_k-i_k\}$ ?
I did some googling and found the term "sumset" kept floating around in my search results. As I am entirely new to the additive combinatorics and additive number theory, I was totally lost and couldn't make out how to solve my problem.
Here is an interesting example
Fix a large $X\gg 0$, and choose $n_j$'s to be precisely all those integers less than $X$ which can be written as sum of two squares, and choose $i_j$ such that both $i_j$ and $n_j-i_j$ are perfect squares. Clearly in this case, $|K| \sim X/\sqrt{\log(X)}$ from a classical result of Landau (see here) and $|A| \sim \sqrt{X}$
I kind of feel that $\sqrt{k}$ is the worst possible size of $A$.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you...