I posted this question last week on Math SE and got upvotes and helpful comments that allowed me to make the question more precise https://math.stackexchange.com/q/3765546/810513. As I did not get an answer to this question, please allow me to ask it on MO:
In the 2-dimensional case, Brouwer's fixed point theorem (BFPT) says that every continuous function $D^2\to D^2$ has a fixed point, where $D^2$ is the disk.
Now fix a particular topology: pick some point $x_0\in D^2$ and use it to define the one-point topology $\cal T_0$ on $D^2$: it includes all sets $A$ with $x_0\in A$, and the empty set. (This is indeed a topology, see for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particular_point_topology).
With respect to $\cal T_0$, a self map $D^2\to D^2$ is continuous if and only if it is constant or has $x_0$ as a fixed point. So, for every self map on $D^2$, continuity with respect to $\cal T_0$ means that a fixed point exists. Hence the BFPT is trivially true, by definition of $\cal T_0$.
In conclusion, there are topologies where BFPT is a theorem that requires proof, and there is a topology $\cal T_0$ where BFPT is true just by definition.
This gives $\cal T_0$ a special place among all possible topologies on $D^2$: it is the topology that makes BFPT trivial. Does such a situation or property have a name? Does it have a category theory interpretation (maybe like "universal property")?
I feel there is a certain equivalence between BFPT and $\cal T_0$ here. They characterize each other in a certain way: $\cal T_0$ makes BFPT trivially true by definition, and BFPT links continuity and fixed points (like $\cal T_0$ does). Can this sense of equivalence be expressed rigorously?
I am struggling to express this property and my sense of "equivalence" more precisely and thus understand it better - I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this.
EDIT: Thank you for great comments! They are extremely helpful. I edited and corrected my question to reflect them.