Here are some solutions for the largest possible set of conditions, $n=2k$.
Suppose $p$ is a prime that divides ${2k\choose k}, {2k-1\choose k-1}, \ldots, {k+1\choose 1}$. Then the selection conditions in your question (that is, $b={2k\choose k}/p$ blocks, with each element in $r={2k-1\choose k-1}/p$ of them, and each pair in ${2k-2\choose k-2}/p$, etc.) would create a $t$-$(2k,k,\frac{k+1}{p})$ design with $t=k-1$.
With $k=2$ we want a partition of a $4$ element set into two sets of size $2$, which certainly exists. The example you had in mind is $k=3$, and the one in my comment is $k=4$, so those exist.
When $k=5$, there are no primes dividing everything up to ${2k \choose k}$.
When $k=6$, we are looking for a $5-(12,6,1)$ design, which is uniquely the small Witt design.
When $k=7$, Donald Kreher and Stanislaw Radziszowski constructed a $6-(14,7,4)$ design in J. Combin. Theory (vol 43.2, Nov 1986)
Finally, for $k\geq8$, Donald Kreher names the $7-(16,8,3)$ as the smallest unsettled $k-1$-design with $\lambda \neq 1$ in "Simple t-designs with large t: A survey" (which is an inaccesible preprint on his current homepage, but can be found here, and notes that the only other known $k-1$-designs for $k \geq 8$ have $\lambda = k!^{2k-1}$, which is not the case here.
This still leaves open the cases where $n > 2k$, for example, the trivial design with $p=3$, $n=7$, $k=2$, or the $3-(13,4,2)$ design with $p=5$, which exists.