Proposals on Area 51 that I am following currently if you would also like to follow:
Anthropology and Sociology

How to search up IDs on
Click "Search" (it should have a magnifying glass on it)
Click on where it says "Enter a level, user, or ID"
Put the ID you want to search up in the bar.
I am a Scratch coder and am slowly learning more and more complex things, after I complete my Cookie Clicker project I might make a more complex version of it with a scroll function hopefully, or maybe work on creating the first FNAF game.
Instagram: CrSb0001
Cookie Clicker on Scratch update log
PvZ Ohio+(+) update log
Email: [email protected]
For people who can view this without a code snippet (sorry tbh)
$$\Bbb{WHY}\text{, }\Bbb{JUST}\text{ }\Bbb{WHY}\text{, }\Bbb{WOULD}\text{ }\Bbb{YOU}\text{ }\Bbb{LOOK}\text{ }\text{ }\Bbb{AT}\text{ }\Bbb{MY}\text{ }\Bbb{TWITTER}(\Bbb{I}\text{ }\Bbb{AM}\text{ }\Bbb{NOT}\text{ }\Bbb{A}\text{ }\Bbb{FUNNY}\text{ }\Bbb{PERSON}\text{ }\Bbb{IN}\text{ }\Bbb{ALL}\text{ }\Bbb{HONESTY})$$
I'm pretty good at basic analytical mathematics and statistics (I'm also pretty good at matrices but probably not at the level where I could be considered a pro at it :\)
Mistakes of mine for you guys to learn from:
My first Puzzling.SE puzzle
My first attempt at making a multi part puzzle which yes, I will be continuing still. I promise it'll get better.
More to come!