The Pontryagin square (at the prime 2) is a certain cohomology operation $$ \mathfrak P_2: H^q(X;\Bbb Z_2) \to H^{2q}(X;\Bbb Z_4) $$ which has the property that its reduction mod 2 coincides with $x\mapsto x^2$. Furthermore, If $x\in H^q(X;\Bbb Z_2)$ is the reduction of an integral class $y$, then $\mathfrak P_2(x)$ is the mod 4 reduction of $y^2$.
For a definition of $\mathfrak P_2$, see e.g.:
Thomas, E.: A generalization of the Pontrjagin square cohomology operation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 42 (1956), 266–269.
Suppose now that $X = M^{2q}$ is a closed smooth manifold of dimension $2q$. Then $x\in H^q(X;\Bbb Z_2)$ is Poincaré dual to a class $x' \in H_q(X;\Bbb Z_2)$. By Thom representability, $x'$ is represented by a map $f: Q^q\to M$ in which $Q$ is a (possibly unorientable) closed $q$-manifold (by taking the image of the fundamental class). By transversality, we can even assume that $f$ is an immersion.
Question: Is there an interpretation of $\mathfrak P_2(x)$ as a geometric operation on $f$?
(Note: By the properties of the Pontryagin square, if $Q$ and $M$ are orientable, then then $\mathfrak P_2(x)$ is represented by the self-intersection of $f$ reduced mod 4.)