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An uncountable Baire γ-space without an isolated point exists?

An open cover $U$ of a space $X$ is: • an $\omega$-cover if $X$ does not belong to $U$ and every finite subset of $X$ is contained in a member of $U$. • a $\gamma$-cover if it is infinite and each $x\...
Alexander Osipov's user avatar
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A question about infinite product of Baire and meager spaces

Proposition 1: For any space $X$ and an infinite cardinal $\kappa$, the product $X^{\kappa}$ is either meager or a Baire space. Does anyone have any suggestions to demonstrate Proposition 1? I was ...
Gabriel Medina's user avatar
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Can maximal filters of nowhere meager subsets of Cantor space be countably complete?

Let $X$ denote Cantor space. A subset $A\subseteq X$ is nowhere meager if for every non-empty open $U\subseteq X$, we have $A\cap U$ non-meager. We call $\mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathcal{P}(X)$ a maximal ...
Andy's user avatar
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Borel hierarchy and tail sets

Let $A$ be a finite set, and let $A^\infty$ be the set of all sequences $(a_n)_{n=1}^\infty$ of elements of $A$. A set $B \subseteq A^\infty$ is a tail set if for every two sequences $\vec a, \vec b \...
Eilon's user avatar
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Nowhere Baire spaces

Studying the article "Barely Baire spaces" of W. Fleissner and K. Kunen, using stationary sets, they show an example of a Baire space whose square is nowhere Baire (we call a space $X$ nowhere Baire ...
Gabriel Medina's user avatar
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Is there a model of set theory in which $\mathfrak p< \mathfrak b < \mathfrak q$?

Is there a model of set theory in which $\mathfrak p< \mathfrak b < \mathfrak q$? Here $\mathfrak p$, $\mathfrak b$, $\mathfrak q$ are small uncountable cardinals: $\mathfrak p$ is the ...
Alexander Osipov's user avatar
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Picking a real for every non-empty open set in $\mathbb{R}$

Let ${\cal E}$ denote the collection of open sets of $\mathbb{R}$ with respect to the Euclidean topology. It is well known that $|{\cal E}| = 2^{\aleph_0}$. Is there an injective map $f:{\cal E}\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar