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18 votes
2 answers

Existence of continuous map on real numbers with dense orbit?

Does there exist a continuous map $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ such that the forward orbit of 0 is dense in $\mathbb{R}$?
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6 votes
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Is there a topologically mixing and minimal homeomorphism on the circle (or on $\mathbb S^2$)?

The irrational rotation on the circle is both a homeomorphism and minimal but is not topologically mixing. The argument-doubling transformation on the circle is topologically mixing but is neither a ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a minimal, topologically mixing but not positively expansive dynamical system?

Is there a compact metric space $X$ and a function $f:X\to X$ such that the dynamical system $(X, f)$ has the following three properties? minimal topologically mixing (a map $f$ is topologically ...
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