Definition. For an infinite structure $\mathcal{A}$ and $cl : P(dom(\mathcal{A})) \longrightarrow P(dom(\mathcal{A}))$ , we say that $(\mathcal{A}, cl)$ is a structure carrying an $\omega$-homogeneous pregeometry if the following holds:
(a) $(\mathcal{A}, cl)$ is a pregeometry,
(b) $dim(\mathcal{A})$ is the same as the cardinality of $\mathcal{A}$,
(c) If $A \subseteq \mathcal{A}$ is finite and $a, b \in \mathcal{A} \setminus cl(A)$ , then there is $f\in Aut(\mathcal{A}/A)$ such that $f(a) = b$ and for all $B \subseteq \mathcal{A}$, $f(cl(B)) = cl(f(B))$.
Theorem. Suppose that $(G, cl)$ is a group carrying an $\omega$-homogeneous pregeometry. Then either $G$ is commutative or unstable.
Question. Are there non-commutative groups that carry an $\omega$-homogeneous pregeometry?
Giving references is appreciated.