In homological algebra, the Eilenberg-Watts theorem states that if $F\colon\text{Mod}_R\to\text{Mod}_S$ is a right-exact coproduct preserving functor of modules, then $F\cong-\otimes_R F(R).$ The proof which you find in Rotman relies on the existence of a generator for $\text{Mod}_R$, the existence free resolutions, and the five lemma, all three things which are particular to the abelian category of modules over a ring.
I'm now wondering whether this theorem will hold for a general category $C$, enriched over $\mathcal{V}.$ The module category of $C$ is the functor category $\hom(C,\mathcal{V})$, which is also the category of presheaves over $C$, which enjoys the nice property of being the free cocompletion of $C$. So a cocontinuous functor out of $\text{Mod}_C$ is completely determined by its values on $C$. Hence the $\mathcal{V}$-category of cocontinuous functors $\text{Mod}_C\to\text{Mod}_D$ is isomorphic to the functors $C\to\text{Mod}_D,$ and by the hom-tensor adjunction, this is functors $C^\text{op}\otimes D\to\mathcal{V}$, also known as bimodules (or spans, correspondences, profunctors, distributors, it has a lot of names).
Perhaps even more easily seen, by the coYoneda lemma, every presheaf is a colimit of representable presheaves, which just explicitly says that so cocontinuous functor $F\cong -\otimes_C F(Y)$, where $Y$ is the Yoneda embedding.
So my question is, is this a correct proof of the Eilenberg-Watts theorem? Are the assumptions of a generator, the existence of free resolutions, and the validity of the five lemma really not necessary for this result?