Donald Knuth introduced a fast, bit-wise approximation to integer addition by $$(a,b) \mapsto a \, ^{\land} \, b \, ^{\land} \, ((a \text{ & } b) \ll 1)$$ where $a,b$ are given in binary and $\,^{\land}$ denotes bitwise ${\tt XOR}$, then $\text{&}$ is bitwise ${\tt AND}$, and finally $\ll 1$ denotes shifting to the left by $1$ position. (Note that $((a \text{ & } b) \ll 1)$ is used to simulate binary carry propagation.)
This can be extended in a nice way giving rise to a binary operation $\oplus:{\cal P}(\mathbb{N})\times {\cal P}(\mathbb{N}) \to {\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$. For $A \in {\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$, let $A+1 = \{a+1: a\in A\}$, and for $A, B\in {\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ we let $A \, \triangle \, B = (A \setminus B) \cup (B\setminus A)$ be the symmetric difference. The construction $A \, \triangle \, B$ plays the role of bit-wise ${\tt XOR}$ and $A+1$ simulates the left-shift.
Then for $A,B \in {\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ we let $$A \oplus B := (A \, \triangle \, B) \, \triangle \, ((A \cap B) + 1).$$
The empty set $\emptyset \in {\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ is the neutral element, the operation is commutative, but not associative: if $A = \{0\}$ and $C = \{1\}$, then $(A \oplus A) \oplus C = \{2\}$, but $A \oplus (A \oplus C) = \emptyset$.
However, every element of ${\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ has an inverse with respect to $\oplus$.
Let us call $U\subseteq {\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ a subgroup of ${\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ if it is closed under $\oplus$ and taking inverses, and if $U$ is associative. Zorn's Lemma implies that every subgroup is contained in a maximal subgroup of ${\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ with respect to set inclusion $\subseteq$.
Question. Do all maximal subgroups of ${\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$ have the same cardinality? And is there an uncountable subgroup of ${\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$?
(Only one of the questions needs to be fully answered for acceptance.)