$\DeclareMathOperator{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\DeclareMathOperator{\Hom}{\mathrm{Hom}}\DeclareMathOperator{\UnCoNat}{\mathrm{UnCoNat}}\DeclareMathOperator{\UnNat}{\mathrm{UnNat}}\DeclareMathOperator{\CoNat}{\mathrm{CoNat}}\DeclareMathOperator{\Nat}{\mathrm{Nat}}$The set of natural transformations between two functors $F,G\colon C\to D$ is computed by the formula $$\Nat(F,G)\cong\int_{A\in C}\Hom_D(F(A),G(A)).$$ I've been wondering recently about the dual of this notion, that of the set of "natural cotransformations" from $F$ to $G$, defined by $$\CoNat(F,G)\cong\int^{A\in C}\Hom_D(F(A),G(A)).$$ Explicitly, this is the quotient of the set $\coprod_{A\in C}\Hom_D(F(A),G(A))$ by the equivalence relation generated by the relation $\sim$ identifying two maps $\alpha_{A},\beta_A\colon F(A)\to G(A)$ whenever there exist
- A morphism $f\colon A\to B$ of $C$;
- A morphism $\phi\colon F(B)\to G(A)$ of $D$; making the diagrams
commute. For example, $\CoNat(\id_C,\id_C)$ recovers the trace of $C$.
Now, in contrast to natural transformations, conatural transformations don't compose nor have a notion of identity. Nevertheless, given a diagram $D\colon I\to C$ on $C$, one can still make $\CoNat(\Delta_{-},D)$ into a functor, by showing that the map $f^*$ gives a well-defined function $\CoNat(\Delta_Y,D)\to\CoNat(\Delta_X,D)$ between quotients, respecting the above equivalence relations. Similarly, one may define a functor $\CoNat(D,\Delta_{-})$.
The above relation takes an interesting form in the case of $\CoNat(\Delta_X,D)$: it is the quotient of the set $\coprod_{A\in I}\Hom_D(X,D(A))$ of maps $X\to D(A)$ identifying two such maps $\lambda_{A},\lambda_B\colon X\to D(A)$ whenever there exists a morphism $f\colon A\to B$ of $I$ making the diagram
Finally, one may define notions of "dual" co/limits as the co/representing objects of the functors $\CoNat(\Delta_{-},D)$ and $\CoNat(D,\Delta_{-})$.
I haven't yet figured much about these "dual co/limits", except that "dual co/products" almost never exist, since they require isomorphisms of the form $\Hom(X,A\times^{\text{dual}}B)\cong\Hom(X,A)\coprod\Hom(X,B)$, which almost never hold for all $X$. Nevertheless this still seems like a potentially interesting notion in other cases (e.g. that of "dual equalisers", in which case the above equivalence relation isn't trivial).
Have the above notions of "natural cotransformations" and "dual co/limits" been studied before in the literature? Are there any useful applications of them in mathematical practice?