I have some problem calculating the value of some specific (but quite common) induced maps I stumbled on while reading some papers on group (co)homology and I would like to know if there are general tricks or routines to avoid calculations over the complexes or, if not, which calculations are customary. But let's first fix the notation.
Let $H$ and $H'$ be groups, let $M$ be an $H$-module and $M'$ be an $H'$-module. If $\phi:H\rightarrow H'$ is a homomorphism and $\psi:M\rightarrow M'$ is an $H$-module homomorphism with $M'$ regarded as an $H$-module via $\phi$, then it induces a map $(\phi,\psi)_*:H_i(H,M)\rightarrow H_i(H',M')$ and this is done taking two projective resolutions $\textbf{P}$ and $\textbf{P'}$ of $\mathbb{Z}$ over $\mathbb{Z}H$ and $\mathbb{Z}H'$, respectively, making the latter a resolution over $\mathbb{Z}H'$, noticing that it is still acyclic and using this and the projectivity of $\textbf{P}$ to build the map we are looking for. If $M=M'$ and $\psi=Id_{M'}$, it is customary to write $(\phi,\psi)_*$ as $\phi_*$.
Now for the specific cases.
Let $G=H$, $G'=H\times H$, $M=K=M'$ for a field $K$ on which $G$ acts trivially. Calculate $\phi_*$ where $\phi$ is either $\alpha:g\rightarrow (g,1)$ or $\beta:g\rightarrow (1,g)$ or $\gamma:g\rightarrow (g,g)$. In this case a Künneth formula states that $$H_n(G',M)=\bigoplus_{p=0}^n H_p(G,M)\otimes_M H_{n-p}(G,M).$$ How can one get that the $(H_0(G,M)\otimes_M H_n(G,M)\oplus H_n(G,M)\otimes_M H_0(G,M))$-components of $\alpha_*(h)$, $\beta_*(h)$ and $\gamma_*(h)$ for an $h$ in $H_n(G,M)$ are, resp., $h\otimes 1$, $1\otimes h$ and $h\otimes 1+1\otimes h$?
More generally, let $G$, $G'$, $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ be the same as in point 1., $M$ and $N$ be $G$-modules, $M'=M\otimes_\mathbb{Z} N$ be a $G'$-module by the action $(g,h)\cdot(m\otimes_\mathbb{Z} n)=gm\otimes_\mathbb{Z} hn$ and let $\psi:M\rightarrow M'$ be a suitable $G$-module homomorphism (Doubt: For $\alpha$, $\psi$ could just send $m\in M$ to $m\otimes_\mathbb{Z}\overline{n}$ for a fixed $\overline{n}\in N$ and it seems the same holds for $\gamma$ if $G$ acts trivially on $N$; but for $\beta$?). What is the best way to find the $(H_0(G,M)\otimes_M H_n(G,M)\oplus H_n(G,M)\otimes_M H_0(G,M))$-components of $(\alpha,\psi)_*(h)$, $(\beta,\psi)_*(h)$ and $(\gamma,\psi)_*(h)$ for an $h$ in $H_n(G,M)$, provided that a formula like the following $$H_n(G',M\otimes_\mathbb{Z} N)=\bigoplus_{p=0}^n H_p(G,M)\otimes_\mathbb{Z} H_{n-p}(G,M')$$ still holds? (This should be possible by choosing $M$ and $H_i(G,M')$ to be $\mathbb{Z}$-free)