I want to read the following papers in the English version which I could not find anywhere (the only papers I can get are the Russian versions). Kindly help me out.
Gregory A. Margulis, Positive harmonic functions on nilpotent groups. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 166 (1966), 1054–1057 (Russian); English translation in: Soviet Math. Dokl. 7 (1966),
Dynkin, E. B.; Maljutov, M. B. Random walk on groups with a finite number of generators. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 137 1961 1042–1045.
I do apologize for asking this here as this is not the right platform. I have checked at Mathscinet but these are not available there. So I could not think of any better way to find it. If I can get any one these two I will be really grateful.