Consider the elliptic operator $Lu = - \Delta u + \langle \nabla u , X \rangle + c \, u $ acting on functions on a closed Riemannian manifold $M$. Here $\Delta$ denotes the Laplace-Beltrami operator, $X$ is an arbitrary smooth vector field, and $c \geq 0$ is a smooth function on $M$ which does not vanish identically. Does $L$ have a so-called `principal eigenvalue' $\lambda_1 > 0$, whose corresponding (unique up to scaling) eigenfunction does not change sign?
A similar statement holds for smooth domains in $\mathbb{R}^n$, as shown for instance in Evans' PDE book, chapter 6. Moreover, in this paper it is sated that this fact is equivalent to the operator satisfying a maximum principle (which is indeed the case for the above $L$).