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Results tagged with at.algebraic-topology
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user 8032
Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds.
what is the image of $\partial( 1_{S^n})$ for the exact sequence for the fibration $X \to E ...
Any fibration $X \to E \to S^n$ up to fiber homotopy equivalence is given by the "clutching construction" applied to a map $f: S^{n-1} \to G(X)$, where $G(X)$ denotes the topological monoid of self ho …
Examples for open disc bundle which is not vector bundle
Some remarks which amount in some way to an answer.
(1) Let $\text{Diff}(D^n)$ be the diffeomorphisms of $D^n$ which restrict to the identity on
the boundary.
When $n\gg k$ is large, $\pi_k(\text{D …
Acyclic complexes for extraordinary cohomology theories
If you go to exotic cohomology with twisted coefficients, then the answer is yes.
Alternatively, one can state the condition on the level of a universal cover and then the answer is yes.
It is certa …
Fibrations with non-simply connected base and rational homology
I'm wondering the extent to which the assumptions can be tweaked. Let's assume
$B$ is connected and with basepoint. Let $F$ be the fiber over the basepoint.
However, I won't assume $F$ is homotopy …
Reverse map of a homology equivalence.
As I was writing this answer, Oscar beat me to the punch. I will keep it posted anyway.
Let $X^3$ be the Poincare homology sphere. Let $\tilde X \to X$ be the universal cover (note: $\tilde X$ is $S^ …
Does the classifying space of monoids commute with wedge sum up to weak equivalence?
Charles has given a very good answer to the question.
The following is not meant to be an answer, but just a heuristic argument which I cannot
make into a proof.
There should be an operation, "fr …
When can you desuspend a homotopy cogroup?
Hopkins' result alluded to above gives a coordinate-free approach a lá Segal. The paper I wrote with Schwänzl and Vogt:
Comultiplication and suspension. Topology Appl. 77 (1997), no. 1, 1–18,
gives …
The fundamental group of space which has both an H and a co-H structure
Another argument which does it:
A path connected based space $X$ is a co-$H$ space if and only if the evaluation map $\Sigma \Omega X \to X$ admits a section up to homotopy. This will imply that $\p …
Contraction of a family of loops simultaneously
Surely not.
Let $S^1 \to LS^2$ be adjoint to the map
$c: S^1 \times S^1 \to S^2$ which collapses $S^1\vee S^1$ to a point.
The latter has degree one.
Let $p\in S^1$ be any point but the basepoint.
Can both G and BG be finite CW complexes?
The answer is always no unless $G$ is trivial.
In fact, I can generalize your statement slightly: I only need to assume
that $G$ and $BG$ have merely the homotopy type of finite complexes.
I will ou …
How to prove the connected sum of two closed aspherical n-manfolds (n >2) is not asperical?
Here's a different way to see it. Let $M$ and $N$ be aspherical of dimension at least 3.
Then the wedge $M \vee N$ is aspherical (but not a manifold). Let $M\sharp N$ be the connected sum. Then we get …
Extreme rigidification of homotopy self-equivalences
This is a substantial revision of my original post. It shows that if we replace the "equivalence" Tyler is asking for by a "retract" then the answer is yes.
Given a CW space $Y$, we can take $G(Y) = …
Homotopy type of the plane minus a sequence with no limit points
Here is a more naive solution, as least if the sequence is countable. Let
$\Bbb N \subset \Bbb R^2$ be the embedding defined by the sequence.
Then there is an isotopy from this embedding to the stand …
Algebraic K-theory of odd-dimensional spheres
Let $\tilde A(X)$ be the reduced functor, i.e., the homotopy fiber of the map $A(X) \to A(\ast)$. Since $A(*)$ is rationally a product of $K(Q,4j+1)$ for $j \ge 1$, we may as well study $\tilde A(X)$ …
Obstruction Theory for Vector Bundles and Connections
Correction: the definition below is wrong. It isn't true that a 1-flat reduction is the same as a flat reduction. One also needs to require that the map $Z \to BG$ factors through $BG^\delta$, where $ …