$\newcommand{\Cats}{\mathsf{Cats}}\newcommand{\MonCats}{\mathsf{MonCats}}\newcommand{\BrMonCats}{\mathsf{BrMonCats}}\newcommand{\SymMonCats}{\mathsf{SymMonCats}}\newcommand{\CMon}{\mathsf{CMon}}\newcommand{\Mon}{\mathsf{Mon}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}\newcommand{\Ab}{\mathsf{Ab}}\newcommand{\Grp}{\mathsf{Grp}}\newcommand{\Sets}{\mathsf{Sets}}\newcommand{\eHom}{\mathbf{Hom}}\newcommand{\C}{\mathcal{C}}\newcommand{\V}{\mathcal{V}}\newcommand{\Obj}{\mathrm{Obj}}$Let $\C$ be a $\V$-enriched category, let $V\in\Obj(\V)$, and let $A\in\Obj(\C)$.
- The tensor of $V$ with $A$ (also called the copower of $V$ with $A$) is, if it exists, the object $V\odot A$ of $\C$ such that we have a $\V$-natural isomorphism $$\eHom_\C(V\odot A,-)\cong\eHom_\V(V,\eHom_\C(A,-)).$$
- Dually, the cotensor of $V$ with $A$ (also called the power of $V$ with $A$) is, if it exists, the object $V\pitchfork A$ of $\C$ such that we have a $\V$-natural isomorphism $$\eHom_\C(-,V\pitchfork A)\cong\eHom_\V(V,\eHom_\C(-,A)).$$
Moreover, $\C$ is called $\V$-co/tensored if it has all co/tensors.
An example of these is given by any co/complete category $\mathcal{C}$, whose $\Sets$-co/tensors are given by \begin{align*} X\odot A &\cong \coprod_{x\in X}A,\\ X\pitchfork A &\cong \prod_{x\in X}A. \end{align*} Another example is given by the category $\Ab$:
- $\Ab$ is enriched over itself: given $A,B\in\Obj(\Ab)$, we have an abelian group $\eHom_\Ab(A,B)$ whose product $(f,g)\mapsto f*g$ is obtained via pointwise multiplication, i.e. by defining $[f*g](a)=f(a)g(a)$. This relies crucially on the commutativity of $B$, which ensures that $f*g$ is again a morphism of groups: \begin{align*} [f*g](ab) &= f(ab)g(ab)\\ &= f(a)\color{red}{f(b)}\color{blue}{g(a)}g(b)\\ &= f(a)\color{blue}{g(a)}\color{red}{f(b)}g(b)\\ &= [f*g](a)[f*g](b). \end{align*}
- $\Ab$ is tensored over itself via the tensor product of abelian groups $(A,B)\mapsto A\otimes_\mathbb{Z}B$;
- $\Ab$ is cotensored over itself via the internal $\eHom$ given above, $(A,B)\mapsto \eHom_\Ab(A,B)$.
Now, $\Ab$ is not enriched over $\Grp$, as there is no sensible tensor product for the latter; however it is "faux co/tensored" over it, as we have isomorphisms \begin{align*} \eHom_\Ab(G^\mathrm{ab}\otimes_\Z A,B) &\cong \eHom_\Grp(G,\eHom_\Ab(A,B)),\\ \eHom_\Ab(A,\eHom_\Grp(G,B)) &\cong \eHom_\Grp(G,\eHom_\Ab(A,B)), \end{align*} so $G“\odot”A=G^\mathrm{ab}\otimes_\Z A$ and $G“\pitchfork”A=\eHom_\Grp(G,B)$.
This situation is not exclusive to $\Grp$ and $\Ab$: it also occurs with $\Mon$ and $\CMon$, with $\BrMonCats$ and $\SymMonCats$, and seems more generally to occur with pairs of the form $(\Mon(\C),\CMon(\C))$ for $\C$ a symmetric monoidal category.
A second related point is that one may use the $\Sets$-co/tensoring of $\Grp$ together with the forgetful functor $|{-}|\colon\Grp\to\Sets$ to $\Sets$ to define "half-tensor products" $\triangleleft$ and $\triangleright$, given by \begin{align*} G\triangleleft H &= |H|\odot G,\\ &\cong \coprod_{h\in H}G,\\ G\triangleright H &= |G|\odot H,\\ &\cong \coprod_{g\in G}H. \end{align*} As noted here, $G\triangleleft H$ is the free group on symbols $a\otimes b$ quotiented by the left distributivity relations $(a+b)\otimes c\sim a\otimes c+b\otimes c$, and similarly for $\triangleright$.
Because of this last point, while monoids in $(\Ab,\otimes_\Z,\Z)$ are rings, the "monoids" in $(\Grp,\triangleleft,?)$ should be near-rings―rings with not necessarily commutative addition and only the left distributive law. The problem, however, is that $\triangleleft$ doesn't give $\Grp$ a monoidal category structure: it seems to form at best some variant of the notion of a "lax monoidal category" on it.
As with the faux co/tensors above, this kind of tensor product seems to occur also in many other contexts, including $\MonCats$ with $\Cats$-tensors or perhaps $\BrMonCats$ with "faux $\MonCats$-tensors".
This is a rather strange situation: we have these very natural "faux co/tensors", but the usual category-theoretic notions don't quite capture them. Over Zulip, Reid Barton suggested grouping the categories $\Sets$, $\Grp$, $\Ab$, $\Ab$, $\ldots$ ($=(\Grp_{\mathbb{E}_n}(\Sets))_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$) into an "$\mathbb{N}$-graded monoidal category", but again the units and associators seem to be problematic...
So---shortly---what exactly is going on here?
- How should we view these "faux co/tensors" of $\Mon_{\mathbb{E}_{n}}(\C)$ by $\Mon_{\mathbb{E}_{\leq n-1}}(\C)$?
- What exactly are the "faux monoidal structures" $\triangleleft$ and $\triangleright$ on $\Grp$, whose monoids are supposed to recover near-rings?