$\DeclareMathOperator\Mod{Mod}$Let $\Mod(S)$ be the mapping class group of a closed oriented surface $S$ of genus at least $3$. My question is easy to state: is it currently known whether or not $\Mod(S)$ has Kazhdan's Property (T)? I restrict to surfaces of genus at least $3$ since the mapping class group is trivial in genus 0 (so "yes" for silly reasons), is virtually a nontrivial free group in genus 1 (so "no" in that case), and is known to virtually surject onto the integers in genus 2 (so again "no" in that case).
Whether or not this question is open seems to be a matter of some dispute, for instance on the decade-old MO post Mapping class group and property (T). For those of us who work in adjacent fields, it can be hard to figure out what is going on. Given all the consequences of Property (T) that one might want to use to prove other theorems (e.g., the vanishing of the virtual first Betti number), this is a very frustrating state of affairs.