Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry are closely related (witness GAGA). But the latter still seems much "bigger" than the former. I'd like to be able to get from algebraic geometry to analytic geometry in many small steps rather than what feels to me like one giant leap. Sort of like how we can interpolate between differential and continuous topology by looking at categories of $C^{(k)}$ manifolds.
Question 1: Are there interesting categories of "spaces" interpolating between the world of algebraic geometry and the world of analytic geometry?
Here's an attempt to be a bit more precise. Let $Alg$ be some category of nice schemes over $\mathbb C$ (if there's something interesting to be said about how the nonarchimedean or non-algebraically-closed case looks, I'd also be interested to known about that.), and let $An$ be some category of nice analytic spaces over $\mathbb C$. Then does there exist any kind of filtration $Alg = \mathcal C^0 \to \mathcal C^1 \to \cdots \to \mathcal C^\omega = An$ where the $\mathcal C^i$ are categories of spaces of an intermediate algebraic/analytic nature, and there are "inclusion" functors $\mathcal C^i \to \mathcal C^{i+1}$?
I suspect that the question is highly sensitive to what precisely is meant by a "nice" scheme or a "nice" analytic space. Indeed, with enough "niceness" conditions, GAGA should tell us that we already have $Alg = An$. Unfortunately, I am too ignorant to formulate a more precise version of the question.
Question 2: Alternatively, is there some natural collection of categories where $An$ is "terminal" and $Alg$ is "initial"?
Here I have in mind some vague idea of schemes where the functions are "closed under differentiation" in some sense: $An$ might then be the case where we have as many functions as possible ("generated coinductively", maybe), while $Alg$ is where we have as few functions as possible.