I apologize if this question is basic in some sense. I was looking for an example of a non-proper HNN-extension and I found this.
In the comments, markvs mentioned the Baumslag-Solitar group $B(2,3)$. We can show that this is non-Hopfian using Britton's lemma so that is not residually finite. So, its natural try to use this to get a non-proper example. We know also that $B(2,3)$ is an HNN-extension of $\Bbb{Z}$ with respect to the natural $f: \langle a^2 \rangle \to \langle a^3 \rangle$. Now, how to proceed now? I mean, there is a way to decompose $\widehat{B(2,3)}$ as an HNN-extension of $\widehat{\Bbb{Z}}$ or something?
Intuitively, makes sense to me to do $B(2,3) = \operatorname{HNN}(\Bbb{Z})$ then $\widehat{B(2,3)} = \operatorname{HNN}(\Bbb{\widehat{Z}})$, but I don't know if it works.