I came across a kind of separable metrizable space that is "far" from being completely metrizable. Before specifying what I mean with "far", I recall that a space is said to be Polish if it's separable and completely metrizable and that $2^\mathbb{N}$, known as the Cantor space, is the space of infinite binary sequences endowed with the product of the discrete topology on $2$.
Here is the definion of being strongly nowhere Polish spaces (I came up with the name)
A separable metrizable space $X$ is said to be strongly nowhere Polish if for every $d$ compatible metric on $X$, for every $U$ nonempty open subset of the completion of $(X,d)$ we have $2^\mathbb{N} \hookrightarrow U\setminus X$, i.e. the Cantor space embeds into $U\setminus X$
Here are my questions:
- Is this notion known to some extent? Has is been studied?
- Is $\mathbb{Q}$ with its usual topology strongly nowhere Polish?
- Is there an uncountable separable metrizable space which is nowhere Polish?
- Is there a separable metrizable space which is not Polish yet not strongly nowhere Polish?
- Are there interesting properties of these spaces that you can think of?