The following example from Hausel–Thaddeus say that mirror hyperKahler is HyperKahler. Lets explain it
Let $\mathcal M$ be the moduli space of stable $GL_n$-Higgs bundles, non-singular
and hyperkahler and
$\tilde {\mathcal M}$ moduli space of stable $SL_n$-Higgs bundles, non-singular and hyperkahler and ${\hat{\mathcal{M}}}:= \tilde{\mathcal M} /Γ $ is $PGL_n$-Higgs moduli space which is an orbifold($\Gamma\cong \mathbb Z_n^{2g}$)
Hausel–Thaddeus , proved the following theorem about Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture for the hyperKahler mirror pair $(\hat{\mathcal M}, \tilde {\mathcal M})$
^\tilde{\mathcal M} & \stackrel{}{\longrightarrow} & \hat{\mathcal M}\\
\downarrow{\tilde\chi} & & \downarrow{\hat\chi} \\
\mathcal A & \stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow} & \mathcal A
The generic fibers $\tilde\chi^{-1}(a)$ and $\hat \chi^{-1}(a)$ are dual Abelian varieties. The pair of hyperkahler manifolds $(\tilde{\mathcal M} , J)$ and $(\hat{\mathcal M} , J)$ satisfy SYZ conjecture and mirror to each other
Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality, and the Hitchin system, Inventiones mathematicae, July 2003, Volume 153, Issue 1, pp 197–229
Hausel - Thaddeus interpreted SYZ conjecture in the context of Hitchin system and Langlands duality. Let briefly explain it
Let $\pi : E \to Σ$ a complex vector bundle of rank $r$ and degree $d$ equipped with a hermitian metric on Riemann surface $\Sigma$ . Take th moduli space
$$\mathcal M(r, d) = \{(A, Φ) \text{ solving }(\star)\}/\mathcal G $$
(which is a finite-dimensional non-compact space carrying a natural hyper-Kähler metric)
$$F^0_A + [Φ ∧ Φ^∗] = 0 ,\; \; \bar ∂AΦ = 0\; \; (\star)$$
Here $A$ is a unitary connection on $E$ and $Φ ∈ Ω^{1,0}(End E)$ is a Higgs field. $F^0$ denotes the trace-free part of the curvature and $\mathcal G$ is the unitary gauge group.
$\mathcal M(r, d)$ is the total space of an integrable system(which can be interpreted by the non-abelian Hodge theory due to Corlette), the Hitchin fibration, together with Langlands
duality between Lie groups provides a model for mirror symmetry in the Strominger-Yau and Zaslow conjecture.